Team, Visitors, External Collaborators
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Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria Project Lab RIOT-fp

Inria Associate Teams Not Involved in an Inria International Labs


Inria International Partners

Declared Inria International Partners
  1. Renewed IOTPUSH collaboration with Freie Universitaet Berlin around the long-term stay of Emmanuel Baccelli in Berlin, on research topics about the Internet of Things, RIOT and Information-Centric Networking.

Informal International Partners
  1. Although the project has finished, the team keep going their collaboration with UFMG and UFG institutions, previous partners of EMBRACE project, on human behavior leveraging in 5G networks.

  2. Collaboration with Mark Crovella from Boston University, where Licia Amichi will spend 5 months in an internship from March 2020. She will work on our current collaboration on the modelling and analysis of novelty-seeking preferences in human mobility.

  3. Collaboration with Javier Bustos from NIC Lab/University of Chile, involving the PhD co-advising of Diego Madriaga, who is doing a joint PhD between Univ. of Chile and IPP and is working on short-term time series analysis and prediction for anticipatory Nnetworking.

  4. Collaboration with Ana Aguiar from University of Porto, involving the PhD co-advising of Emanuel Lima, who is working on data offloading via mobile crowdsensing.

  5. Collaboaration with Marco Fiore from IMDEA on adaptive sampling of human mobility. This collaboration involves the participation of Diego Madriaga.

  6. Informal collaborations with ENSI Tunis and ENIso.

Participation in Other International Programs

STIC AmSud MOTIf 2017

Participant : Aline Carneiro Viana.